Gross Anatomy
The inguinal canal is a tubular
structure passing from the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle.
It is comprised of a deep ring, which is where there is direct communication
with the peritoneal cavity, and the superficial ring. The landmark of the deep
ring is halfway along the length of the inguinal canal, commonly known as the
mid-point of the inguinal canal. The superficial ring is just superior to the
pubic tubercle, marking the end of the inguinal canal.
Clinical Anatomy
Inguinal hernias
hernias occur when intraperitoneal contents escape through a weakness in the
inguinal canal. Indirect hernias come through the deep ring and direct hernias
come through the posterior wall of the inguinal canal (i.e. transversalis) in Hasselbach’s
triangle (see below).
are diagnosed clinically as a lump in the groin, although an US scan can confirm
the diagnosis (not often performed in practice, especially if it is clinically
obvious). The treatment is surgical repair. There are two main methods, open or
laparoscopic. They have similar outcomes, although the post-operative recovery
time with laparoscopic repair is slightly shorter. The open repair performed in
common practice is known as the modified Lichtenstein repair. The recommended
repair of bilateral inguinal herniae is via the laparoscopic route. They are
reduced and then reinforced with mesh to reduce the risk of recurrence.
Quick Anatomy
Key Facts
Inguinal canal |
Anterior |
External oblique
aponeurosis with internal oblique laterally |
Posterior |
Transversalis fascia |
Roof |
Internal oblique,
transversalis fascia and fibres of transversus abdominis |
Floor |
Inguinal ligament
(thickened fibres of external oblique); medially, the lacunar ligament |
Hasselbach’s triangle |
Medial |
Lateral edge of rectus
sheath (linea semilunaris) |
Lateral |
Inferior epigastric
vessels |
Floor |
Inguinal ligament |
inguinal canal carries the round ligament and Ilioinguinal nerve in women and
the spermatic cord along with the Ilioinguinal nerve in men. It is important to
remember the contents of the cord, often remembered as:
- 3 arteries (artery to vas deferens, testicular
artery, cremasteric artery);
- 3 fascia (external spermatic, cremasteric and
internal spermatic fasciae);
- 3 nerves (genital branch of genitofemoral,
smypathics and ilioinguinal nerve- note, it is not technically insde the
- 3 others (pampiniform plexus, lymphatics and
the vas deferens)